Plot Management

Claiming Land, Locking Plots, And Linking Portals

The /plot command has many subcommands, some of which were already mentioned, and the rest of which are documented here. Settlement owners can use the plot command to claim land, lock and unlock plots, and link nether portals in a specific claimed plot.

Claiming Land

Using /plot claim shows the cost of creating a new settlement. Use this command while standing in an unclaimed plot in The Frontier after using the /explore unclaimed command.

Locking Plots

Players can lock and unlock claimed plots using /plot lock and /plot unlock respectively. Players also have the option of using /s lock to lock all plots claimed by the settlement (does not affect homes in the settlement) and /h lock to lock all plots claimed by a home. Players can also use /s unlock and /h unlock to unlock all plots claimed by the settlement / home.

Linking Portals

Players can use /plot linkportals to link all portals in a plot to another location. If the plot is in a home, then the plot can be linked to a home. If the plot is in a shop, it can be linked to a shop. If the plot is not in a home or a shop then it can be linked to a settlement.

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