Server Commands

A comprehensive list of the commands available to all players on the server

Ask Command

Use the /ask command to ask the Helper AI a question about the server privately.

AFK Command

Use the /afk command to toggle your away from keyboard (aka AFK) state.

The tab list shows which online players are currently AFK on the server.

Back Command

Just like vanilla Minecraft, players will lose all their items if they die. If a player is not engaged in combat when they die, then they can buy their items back using the /back command.

Depending on what items you lost, it may cost emeralds to get your items back or it may be free. New players will most likely be able to get their items back for a small fee. Using /back will tell you the cost of getting your items back. Using /back confirm will then purchase the items.

Balance Command

Use the /balance command to view the balance of any player on the server. This command has the following aliases: /bal /b /emeralds and /money which can be used to do the same thing.

Broadcast Command

Use the /broadcast command to broadcast factual information in chat.

  • Use the /broadcast skill command to broadcast your skill levels

  • Use the /broadcast balance command to broadcast your account balance

  • Use the /broadcast experience command to broadcast your experience levels

  • Use the /broadcast item command to broadcast the item in your main hand

Challenge Command

Use the /challenge command to challenge other players to a duel in The Arena.

Chat Command

Use the /chat or /c command to change your default chat channel.

  • Use the /chat global command to set your default chat channel to global chat

  • Use the /chat global <message> command to send a message in global chat

  • Use the /chat local command to set your default chat channel to local chat

  • Use the /chat local <message> command to send a message in local chat

  • Use the /chat group command to set your default chat channel to group chat

  • Use the /chat group <message> command to send a message in group chat

Emote Command

Use the /emote command to express emotions in-game. This command is only available to Members.

Explore Command

Use the /explore command to teleport to different places on the server.

  • Use the /explore wilderness command to explore The Wilderness

  • Use the /explore markets command to find markets with villagers

  • Use the /explore shops command to teleport to popular shops

  • Use the /explore homes command to find homes for sale and for rent

  • Use the /explore settlements command to explore cool settlements

  • Use the /explore unclaimed command to find claimable plots of land

Friend Command

Use the /friend command to manage your friends list.

  • Use the /friend list command to view your current friends list

  • Use the /friend add command to send a friend request to another player

  • Use the /friend remove command to remove a player from your friends list

  • Use the /friend requests command to view pending friend requests

  • Use the /friend decline command to decline a pending friend request

Group Command

Use the /group or /g command to manage group chat channels.

  • Use the /group chat command to send chat messages to your group

  • Use the /group create command to create a new group

  • Use the /group invite command to add a player to your group

  • Use the /group join command to accept a group invite and join a group

  • Use the /group leave command to leave a group

  • Use the /group players command to see the players in your group

Help Command

Use the /help command to view available commands.

Home Command

Use the /home command to manage your homes.

  • Use the /home info command to view information about a home

  • Use the /home rent command to start renting a home

  • Use the /home buy command to buy a home

  • Use the /home sell command to sell your home

  • Use the /home rename command to rename your home

  • Use the /home spawn command to teleport to your primary home

  • Use the /home list command to teleport to any of your other homes

  • Use the /home create command to create a home in your settlement

  • Use the /home claim command to claim a settlement plot for your home

  • Use the /home setspawn command to change your home spawn location

  • Use the /home kick command to kick players from your home

  • Use the /home limits command to see block limits for a home

  • Use the /home stopselling command to stop selling your home

  • Use the /home stoprenting command to stop renting your home

Ignore Command

Use the /ignore command to ignore other players in chat.

Location Command

Use the /location command to save locations and teleport back later.

  • Use the /location save <name> command to save your location on the server

  • Use the /location spawn <name> command to teleport to your saved plots

  • Use the /location unsave <name> command to delete one of your saved plots

  • Use the /location list command to view your saved locations

Mail Command

Use the /mail command to manage your mail.

  • Use the /mail send command to send mail to offline players

  • Use the /mail inbox command to read your mail inbox

  • Use the /mail clear command to empty your mail inbox

Market Command

Use the /market command to manage markets.

  • Use the /market save command to save markets and add them to your list

  • Use the /market list command to view markets owned or saved by you

Message Command

Use the /message or /msg command to send direct messages to online players. This command has the following aliases: /whisper and /w which do the same thing.

Pay Command

Use the /pay command to transfer emeralds from your account balance to another player.

Pet Command

Use the /pet command to buy and spawn mobs for emeralds.

Player Command

Use the /player command to view available player commands.

  • Use the /player role command to choose a player role

  • Use the /player recent command to view players online recently

  • Use the /player balances command to view players with the most wealth

  • Use the /player skills command to view players with the higher skill levels

  • Use the /player votes command to view players with the most votes

  • Use the /player ranks command to view server staff ranks

  • Use the /player lookup command to lookup info about a specific player

  • Use the /player settings command to update your player settings

  • Use the /player color command to change your player color (members only)

  • Use the /player name command to change your display name in chat

  • Use the /player ping command to check the ping of any player

Plot Command

Use the /plot command to manage plots.

  • Use the /plot info command for information about your current location

  • Use the /plot claim command for help claiming plots

  • Use the /plot clear command to remove items and mobs from claimed plots

  • Use the /plot lock command to lock a claimed plot that you own or rent

  • Use the /plot unlock command to unlock a claimed plot that you own or rent

  • Use the /plot linkportals command to link nether portals to other locations

  • Use the /plot limits command to view plot limits in The Wilderness

Reply Command

Use the /reply or /r command to conveniently reply to messages.

Report Command

Use the /report command to report other players for breaking the rules.

Server Command

Use the /server command to view information about the server.

  • Use the /server rules command to view a list of the server rules

  • Use the /server staff command to view the list of server staff members

  • Use the /server economy command for stats about economy activity

  • Use the /server players command for stats about active and total players

  • Use the /server links command for a list of official server links

Settlement Command

Use the /settlement command to manage settlements.

  • Use the /settlement info command to view information about a settlement

  • Use the /settlement spawn command to teleport to settlements

  • Use the /settlement create command to create settlements

  • Use the /settlement claim command to claim plots for settlements

  • Use the /settlement rename command to rename a settlement

  • Use the /settlement upgrade command to upgrade a settlement

  • Use the /settlement ranks command to view settlement ranks

  • Use the /settlement players command to view all players in a settlement

  • Use the /settlement setspawn command to change your settlement spawn location

  • Use the /settlement setrank command to set player settlement ranks

  • Use the /settlement ban command to ban players from the settlement

  • Use the /settlement unban command to unban players from the settlement

  • Use the /settlement limits command to view settlement limits

  • Use the /settlement sponsor command to sponsor a settlement

  • Use the /settlement togglefly command to let Members fly in the settlement

Shop Command

Use the /shop command to manage shops. You can view information, save, rename, teleport to, list, create, claim, view transaction history of shops owned or saved by you.

  • Use the /shop info command to view information about a shop

  • Use the /shop save command to save shops and add them to your list

  • Use the /shop rent command to start renting a shop

  • Use the /shop buy command to buy a shop

  • Use the /shop sell command to sell your shop

  • Use the /shop rename command to rename your shop

  • Use the /shop spawn <name> command to teleport to shops

  • Use the /shop list command to view shops owned and saved by you

  • Use the /shop create command to create a shop in your settlement

  • Use the /shop claim command to claim a settlement plot for your shop

  • Use the /shop setspawn command to change your shop spawn location

  • Use the /shop history command to view recent shop transactions

  • Use the /shop history clear command to reset your shop history

  • Use the /shop stopselling command to stop selling your shop

  • Use the /shop stoprenting command to stop renting your shop

Sit Command

Use the /sit command to make your avatar sit down and stand up.

Skill Command

Use the /skill command to manage your skills.

  • Use the /skill hide command to hide the skill sidebar and boss bar

  • Use the /skill show command to show the skill sidebar and boss bar

  • Use the /skill list command to view a list all foundation skills

Spawn Command

Use the /spawn command to teleport to the server spawn location.

Use the /spawn arena command to teleport to The Arena.

Teleport Command

Use the /teleport or /tp command to send teleport requests to other players.

Tutorial Command

Use the /tutorial command to learn how to get started as a new player on the server.

Value Command

Use the /value command to estimate the value of the item you are holding.

Vote Command

Use the /vote command to learn how to vote for free in-game emeralds.

Weather Command

Use the /weather command to change the weather you see in The Frontier.

Last updated