Renting Homes

How new players can work their way up the economy by renting homes

Players can temporarily rent homes owned by other players for emeralds. Renting a home is optional, but recommended, as it makes earning emeralds much easier by providing new players access to protected storage, furnaces, farmland and more. Rent is collected each day, once per 24 hours.

Players can use the /explore homes command to find homes for rent. If you find a home you like, you can use the /home rent command to start renting the home. Home owners are not allowed to evict or kick residents from a home that they are renting. The only way for a resident to be evicted from a rented home is if they fail to pay rent. Rent is automatically collected by the server once per 24 hours.

Residents can teleport to their primary home using the /home spawn command. If you have multiple homes then you can teleport to a specific home using the /home spawn <name> command.

Home renters can stop renting at any time using the /home stoprenting command.

Last updated