Saving Locations

How to save your location and teleport back later

Players can explore lots of different locations on the server from the safe, beautiful, and protected world of The Frontier to the dangerous, lawless, and uncharted worlds of The Wilderness.

While exploring, you are likely to find locations on the server that you want to save so that you can teleport back later. Players can save their location on the server using the /plot save <name> command and teleport back later using the /plot spawn <name> command. These commands provide a similar function as the /sethome command on other servers.

Worlds on the server are divided up into 16 by 16 block chunks called plots which can be saved and claimed by players using commands. Plots in The Frontier and The Wilderness can be saved by any player, but only unclaimed plots in The Frontier can be claimed.

Renaming Saved Plots

Saved plots can be named when they are saved, but they can also be renamed afterwards. Players can rename saved plots by teleporting to them and then using the /plot rename <name> command.

Players can teleport to any of their saved plots, including unnamed plots, using the /plot list command and clicking "Spawn" next to the plot that they want to teleport to.

Deleting Saved Plots

Players can delete saved plots by teleporting to them and using the/plot unsave command. If the plot you want to delete has a name, you can simply use the /plot unsave <name> command.

Players can save up to 6 claimed, unclaimed, and wilderness plots. Members are allowed to save twice as many of each plot type. Plots in homes cannot be saved.

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