Exploring The Frontier

How to find settlements, homes, markets, shops, and claimable plots

The Frontier is a safe and peaceful world for building, hanging out, and role-playing. Players can claim land in The Frontier by creating a settlement. Settlement owners can create homes and shops in their settlements. Homes can be sold or rented to other players for emeralds. Shops allow players to trade with each other using chest shops to buy and sell items even when offline. Players can use the explore command to teleport to settlements, markets, shops, and homes created by other players.

Exploring Settlements

Players can find popular settlements on the server using the /explore settlements command. Settlements with the most sponsorships will be explored first. Just like all other explore commands, players can keep executing this command to teleport around to other settlements.

Exploring Homes

Players can find homes for rent and homes for sale using the /explore homes command. Players can use the /explore homes forrent command to find homes for rent and the /explore homes forsale command to find homes for sale. If you find a home that you like you can rent it or buy it as long as you have enough emeralds to do so.

Exploring Markets

Markets provide players access to villagers which they can trade with. Players can find markets on the server using the /explore markets command.

Each villager has a profession which determines the trades that they offer. You can find markets with specific villager professions using the /explore markets with <profession> command.

There are many different kinds of items that can be sold to villagers at a market. For example, players can catch fish using a fishing rod and then sell those fish to a fisherman! Alternatively, new players could farm crops in a rented home and then sell those crops to a farmer!

If you find a market that you like, you can save it using the /market save command. You can then teleport to your saved markets using the /market list command.

Exploring Shops

Players can buy and sell items at player-owned shops. Use /explore shops to find popular shops on the server. Shops are created by other players and contain chest shops which can be used to buy and sell items with other players even when they are offline.

Use /explore shops buying <item> to find shops buying a specific item on the server.

Use /explore shops selling <item> to find shops selling a specific item on the server.

Players can use these commands multiple times to teleport around to different shops while looking to buy or sell specific items. The name of the item will be suggested to you as you type.

If you find a shop that you like, you can save it using the /shop save command. You can then teleport to your saved shops using the /shop list command.

Exploring Unclaimed Land

Players can find claimable plots in The Frontier using the /explore unclaimed command. This command will teleport you to a random unclaimed location in The Frontier. If you find a place you like, you can claim it by creating a settlement using the /settlement create command. If you do not have enough emeralds to claim it, you can save it using the /location save command.

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