Enchanted Books
A summary of all the enchantments for enchanted books
Enchanted books are sold by librarians and can be used at an enchanting table to enchant various items such as armor, tools, and weapons. Each enchanted book has one of the enchantments listed below. Some enchantments also have an enchantment level, indicated as a roman numeral, with higher levels corresponding to more powerful effects for the enchantment.
Efficiency is an enchantment that increases the player's mining speed. Tools of any material except stone or diamond can receive up to Efficiency V. Stone and diamond tools can receive up to level IV.
Thorns is an armor enchantment that causes attackers to be damaged when they deal damage to the wearer of the armor. Thorns III cannot be directly obtained using an enchanting table, but it can be obtained by using an anvil to combine two Thorns II enchantments, by trading with villagers, or by finding an item enchanted with it from a loot chest.
Unbreaking is an enchantment that gives a chance for an item to avoid durability reduction when it is used, effectively increasing the item's durability. Items can be enchanted up to Unbreaking III.
Frost Walker
Frost Walker is an enchantment to boots that creates frosted ice blocks when walking over water, and causes the wearer to be immune to damage from certain blocks such as campfires and magma blocks. Boots can be enchanted up to Frost Walker II.
Mending is an enchantment that restores durability of an item using experience. This occurs when you collect experience. If your experience level does not increase when you collect experience orbs it is most likely because you are wearing armor or wielding a weapon with this enchantment.
Curse of Binding
Curse of Binding is an enchantment that prevents the removal of a cursed item from its armor slot.
Curse of Vanishing
Curse of Vanishing is an enchantment for items that causes the item to disappear upon death.
Soul Speed
Soul Speed is an enchantment that can be applied on boots and allows the player to walk more quickly on soul sand and soul soil. Boots can be enchanted up to Soul Speed III.
Swift Sneak
Swift Sneak is a non-renewable enchantment that can be applied to leggings and allows the player to walk more quickly while sneaking. Leggings can be enchanted up to Swift Sneak III.
Wind Burst
Wind Burst is an enchantment exclusively for the mace that creates a powerful upward knockback effect upon executing a smash attack, essentially acting as a more powerful wind charge. Unlike wind charges, Wind Burst does not negate fall damage. It is the only mace-exclusive enchantment that cannot be obtained through an enchanting table or villager.
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