Villager Professions

A summary of all the professions that villagers can have

Players can trade with villagers to buy or sell items for emeralds. Players can find villagers of a specific profession using the /explore markets with <profession> command.


Armorers buy coal, iron ingots, lava buckets, and diamonds. They sell iron armor, chainmail armor, enchanted diamond armor, and shields.


Butchers buy raw chicken, raw rabbit, raw porkchops, raw beef, raw mutton, coal, sweet berries, and dried kelp blocks. They sell rabbit stew, cooked chicken, and cooked porkchops.


Cartographers buy paper, glass panes, and compasses. They sell empty maps, ocean explorer maps, woodland explorer maps, trial explorer maps, item frames, colorful banners, and banner patterns.


Clerics buy rotten flesh, gold ingots, rabbit's feet, turtle scoots, glass bottles, and nether warts. They sell redstone dust, lapis lazuli, glowstone blocks, ender pearls, and bottles of enchanting.


Farmers buy crops such as wheat, potatoes, carrots, beetroots, pumpkins, and melons. They sell bread, pumpkin pie, apples, cookies, suspicious stew, cake, golden carrots, and glistering melon slices.


Fisherman buy string, coal, raw cod, raw salmon, tropical fish, pufferfish, and boats. They sell buckets of cod, cooked cod, cooked salmon, campfires, and enchanted fishing rods.


Fletchers buy sticks, gravel, flint, strings, feathers, arrows, and tripwire hooks. They sell arrows, bows, crossbows, enchanted bows, enchanted crossbows, and tipped arrows.


Leatherworkers buy leather, flint, rabbit hides, and turtle scoots. They sell leather armor including leather pants, boots, tunics and caps, as well as leather horse armor and saddles.


Librarians buy paper, books, inc sacs, and book and quills. They sell bookshelves, lanterns, glass, compasses, clocks, name tags, and many different kinds of enchanted books.


Masons buy clay balls, stone, granite, andesite, diorite, and nether quartz. They sell bricks, chiseled stone bricks, dripstone blocks, polished andesite, polished diorite, polished granite, stained terracotta, glazed terracotta, quartz pillars, and blocks of quartz.


Shepherds buy white, brown, black, and gray wool and all different colors of dyes. They sell shears, paintings, colorful banners, beds, and all different colors of wools.


Toolsmiths buy coal, iron ingots, flint, and diamonds. They sell stone tools, enchanted iron tools, diamond hoes, and enchanted diamond tools including axes, shovels, and pickaxes.


Weaponsmiths buy coal, iron ingots, flint, and diamonds. They sell bells and weapons including iron axes, enchanted iron swords, enchanted diamond axes, and enchanted diamond swords.

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